Monday 16 September 2013

My Sketches - Refining the game

A possible starting tutorial / intro level & some concepts for LunaREM.

A couple puzzle ideas / scenarios that Charlie could encounter. Vents, following power cables back to their source, ladders, trapdoors, restricted areas (find the appropriate keycard) and of course 3D location puzzles of finding your way around the map, dicovering ways into previously locked / unreachable areas.

The storyline. Needs to be cemented, but requires group approval. This will need to be done at another group meeting once we have more puzzles and visual resources (game art / animations).

A possible map idea. Having a separate Bio-Dome from the main structure would allow for views of it from elsewhere in the base, keeping a sense of continuity throughout windowed areas of the base.

However I think we will change this layout, as it would have far too much connecting tunnels. Design-wise, the base should be more compacted, (built with less resources,) so more levels (up and down more than across) which would tie into ladder puzzles involving many layers to solve etc.

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