Saturday 7 September 2013

Break - Moon Refinment

Rather than the working title, Moon; perhaps the name Lunacy is a better fit.


Cinematic Platformer - 2D Platformer within a 3D environment.
Adventure game puzzle solving.
Adventure game dialogue.


You are on a moon base doing general maintenance. Almost everything is automated, so you don’t really have to do much. Earth is uninhabitable due to a global nuclear war. Every time you are outside you see it floating overhead as a brown/gray orb. You don’t really know what is going on. You are alone, you can’t remember details. You think there might be survivors left on earth, maybe that is what the helium 3 is for. There is a shuttle, you’ve never thought to ask, but GERTY must send the supplies somewhere with it. You don’t need that much to run the base generators. You like GERTY, he’s a robot, but you’ve always gotten along with him. He seems to like you. Sure there are some areas he won’t let you into, but you trust him, you don’t tend to ask questions. You just do your job, and hey, you remember something about your three years being up soon, maybe you get to take the shuttle back to Earth too.

So you wake up, go through your routine, GERTY tells you about a collector which has malfunctioned and needs to be realigned. So you head out and you crash.

GERTY wakes you up in medical,  he tells you there has been an accident. On the board you see that one of the collectors is offline. GERTY tells you not to worry. Management is on their way and will be there in a couple of days.

-- need a good reason to get the character outside--
(perhaps something broke down and requires maintenance?)

You finally get outside to check the collector. You find the rover, the ground collapsed under it and you jump down into the hole. You are confused to find what looks like another person inside, but can’t open it. You explore around and find that this is a tunnel, with supports that leads to what looks to be abandoned parts of the base. You can’t open any doors as the keycard reader doesn’t accept your card, and most of the area is unpowered. But you find some tools, and then explore further and find a keycard. When you get the guy other of the rover… he looks like you. He’s injured, so you take him into the base via the door you found the keycard for. It’s an area you’ve never seen before, but you find your way through to an area you know and the doors open for you.

GERTY is confused. You ask him who the other man is. He says your name. You ask again, he repeats, and says that he looks injured and that you ought to take him to medical. You do, and now begin to question GERTY.  He is vague and evasive, and warns you not to explore too much of the base.

So you do… you begin to explore, and with your new keycard almost all the doors are opening. You find out you are a clone, that there are a tons of clones of you. You find your way into a power control room and find a few ways of moving power around the base. You find that all the power is going towards keeping thousands of people in statis. Not clones. But many of outlying rooms are not getting power.

You are something like clone number 78, no one is left on Earth… the shuttle hasn’t left the base in years.

Management could be “original you” finally waking up from statis. You are a cone of him, but he made you to be less inquisitive, without all his memory. You were made to just be a resource.

Possible ending:
You, yourself, and GERTY fly off to Earth/Space/Elsewhere.


3D environment (learn to use the map to identify new areas if stuck).
Power cables/piping (follow them find their source).
(multiple?) Timers for levers, buttons, doors(, air?).

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