Sunday, 29 September 2013

As It Stands Now: STORYLINE

  1. Charlie wakes up
    1. *beep*
    2. “Good morning Charlie. I hope you slept well.”
    3. “Well enough Lou.”
    4. “Maintenance is required on harvesting station 3. When you are ready to head out come talk to me in the lobby.”
    5. “Alright.”
    6. *beep*
    7. “Should probably eat something first.”
  2. Explores the base, fiddles with things. Any changes made will be noticed by the next clone.
    1. Dialogue by the second clone on seeing these:
      1. “I don’t remember making coffee. It’s cold, must have been here for a while.”
      2. “I don’t remember opening the shutters…” - observation deck.
      3. etc
  3. Might notice that the rover is missing.
  4. Goes to the lobby, talks to LunaRem.
  5. Tries the airlock but can’t open it without his keycard.
    1. It is on a table in the dinning room.
      1. player might find it early, if so then the airlock just opens.
  6. goes outside, walks along the moon, gets to the harvesting station. Sees the rover.
    1. “Why is the rover out here…”
  7. Walks over to the rover and the ground falls through.
  8. Wakes up in medical
    1. “Charlie, you may have suffered from brain damage in the crash. This would explain your slight memory loss and logic impairment.”
    2. “I feel, a little tired, but generally alright. Wait, what crash?”
    3. “Don’t worry about that Charlie, Management will take care of it. Just get some rest.”
  9. Find missing vehicle, wonders where it could be
    1. “Where is the rover?”
    2. “There was an accident Charlie, just be patient and Management will fix it.”
  10. LunaREM doesn’t let Charlie outside, he can’t understand why, and feels disrespected as he knows he can fix the problem most likely.
  11. Overrides the door and goes outside
  12. Finds the collapsed tunnel and the crashed rover. Someone is still inside.
  13. Finds tools, gets the person out, and follows the tunnels. Some are blocked, or unpowered, but other areas seem to lead back to the base.
  14. Along the way they find a few unpowered stasis pods, which make Charlie wonder what they are for.
  15. Going through areas unknown to him, Charlie gets back to the main base, and using a keycard he finds new areas open up to him.
  16. The other person looks like him, and LunaREM says his name is Charlie and they take him to medical.
  17. Charlie begins to question LunaREM but is unable to get any answers
    1. “I am unable to answer that question Charlie.”
  18. He takes it upon himself to explore the other tunnels and other areas of the base.
  19. As he explores, the other Charlie slowly begins to recover and they can talk at times.
    1. LunaREM keeps player Charlie informed of older Charlie’s movements. Every time he comes back to the main base, if Charlie has moved, LunaREM informs him.
    2. In the Lobby looking out at the earth
      1. “I could never remember what we did to our planet. But it was clearly something terrible. I never thought to question my lack of memories, or the lack of detail in them.”
      2. “What do you remember?”
      3. “My name is Charlie, and I have a 3 year contract to maintain this harvesting station.”
      4. “What was meant to happen when we finished those 3 years?”
      5. “I’d go home. I guess I assumed back to Earth.”
  20. In the areas underneath the base, you find clone storage and an elevator leading to a secret door in medical. Many clones that all look the same as you.
  21. You explore further, coming to an area that looks almost brand new. Living quarters, many of them. A large food hall, with a huge stock of food. An electronic library. Many of these areas unpowered, or not fully powered.
  22. You also find an office with the label “Management”. Inside you find a photo of Management. He looks like you. You also find a keycard in the desk. The name on it is Charles <Insert last name>.
  23. On the wall of the office is also a blueprint of the base. You are about halfway down the base. Beneath you is another large area, but you can’t see any access other than the main freight elevator which is unpowered. There are also some tunnels that look to be under construction.
    1. Either turn off BioDome, or explore tunnels.
  24. You find your way to the  

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