Monday 22 July 2013

Project 1 Proposal draft

I was originally interested in taking horror footage and making it humorous, but the idea of making a scary clip from horror footage seemed a bit pointless. After momentarily considering nature as my theme, I settled on the general topic of circuses, carnivals, fairs, sideshows and clowns. The classification of circus surmises these all rather well.

Clowns are typically happy, jolly, funny and friendly; although some people are terrified of them entirely. I wanted to create iterations portraying how different individuals feel and relate to clowns, circuses and the like.

Scary - Jump Cuts and Altered Speed
(added intensity via jump cuts, slow motion for creepiness, speed for madness)

Happy - Cross Cuts and Dissolves

(sort of a soft montage of entertainment by cutting back to a shot that has progressed forward in time; each time this shot is cut back to)

Sad/Dramatic - Dissolves and Slowed Speed
(softens the scene through transitions and adds emotion through extra viewing time)

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