Thursday 31 October 2013

Gameplay Design Document

Core Interactions:
  • Move horizontally                                                           
  • Climb Upwards
  • Jump
    • Grab ledges
    • wall grab/jump (but only in low gravity areas)
  • Environment Interactions  (contextual, and all the same button)
    • Buttons/levers
    • Examine items
    • pick up items
    • use items
    • talk

Puzzle/Environment Elements
  • Items
    • keys
      • key card
      • crowbar (for bypassing or hatch/vent access)
    • quest items
      • can be across many areas
  • Timers
    • sounds
    • or visible in environment
  • Tracing/Following through environment across areas
    • requires a sense of 3D space
    • Find the room next to this one
  • Obstacles
    • Electrical
    • Locked doors
    • rocks
    • timed doors
    • unpowered elevators
    • story based
    • LunaREM blocking you
  • Alternate paths
    • certain areas can be accessed in a few different ways.
    • Some paths might get blocked if a puzzle is failed too many times, so the other path MUST be taken.

Game Audio In

Sound effects and background music have been coded in and are holding up to testing. A few discrepencies between audio channels but an easy fix. Randomized chatter is in and working although a larger selection could have been better than 6.
And the audio for the trailer has been added and basic credits.

Game Trailer 2

Audio: Adam CASTILLO - Dark And Cold Inside. Sourced from

This track suits the mood a bit more.


Soundscapes (track and scenes used)
  • moonbase - eerie, floaty, slightly upbeat
    • CharliesRoom, quartersHallway, bathroom, diningKitchen, stairsToObservationDeck, Observation Deck, receptionArea, lowerLobby, biolab, baseHallwaysMedical, medical, Engineering, monitorRoom, Hanger, biolab
  • moon surface - universal hum, ambient
    • TheMoonRoad, Harvesting Station
  • stasis chambers - spacey, twilight, synthetic
    • reactor, ASurrealSituation
  • underground tunnels - creepy, eerie, soft, spooky
    • CloneCorridor, CloneRoom1, CloneRoom2, CloneRoom3, maintenanceStairsUG, Tunnels1, Tunnels2, tunnels3, tunnels4, tunnels5, underGroundLobby1, underHarvestingStation
  • offices / underground base - mechanical, digital, off beat
    • afterFall, afterOffice, charliesOfficeMaybe, UnderG, UnderGOffice1, UnderGOffice2, UnderGOffice3, UnderGOffice4, underGroundLobby2, underOffice
  • biodome - sparkly, nature, spacey
    • bioDome
  • title screen track
    • title screen
  • fan ambient track
    • Elevator

Key Areas for background audio changes:
  • bioDome - biodome, LEFT moonbase
  • Airlock - silence, LEFT moonbase, RIGHT moonsurface
  • Airlock2 - silence, LEFT tunnels, RIGHT tunnels
  • Harvesting Station - moonsurface, DOWN tunnels
  • hanger - moonbase, LEFT tunnels

Sound Effects
  • doors
      • use door
      • airlock
      • locked/error
      • shutters
      • use ladder
  • consoles
      • terminal online / suit power restored
      • terminal offline
  • ground collapse
      • cave-in from first clone
  • LunaREM digital chatter
      • 6 variants to be randomly used when “Lou” speaks

Game Trailer 1

I am unsure if this will stay as the final trailer, but this is what we have at the moment.

Music: Just in Space - Transit. Sourced from

Monday 28 October 2013

Cutting, Trimming and Refining

I am focusing on completion (running without faults) rather than a vast array of single use sound effects. I have the base level audio complete, biodome, moonsurface. Just a little more to complete tunnels, and underground levels. I have begun experimenting and making sure stencyl is running properly and I have the audio zones set up correctly (no random silences when re-entering a room or two tracks running simultaneously). I will however have to re-implement this on the master file when the game is ready or when I get chance once the scenes are set up correctly.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Audio Developments

I have the audio for shutters, doors, airlock, terminals, locked doors all set up. Walking is still horrid at the moment, but the chatter is starting to sound better. Music files are relatively finished, a little touch up and tinkering to get them a bit nicer.

Thursday 17 October 2013

See You At The Bottom - final cut

Here is the final version, ruthlessly cut down to 3min 33sec including credits.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Game Progress

I have the cave-in / rock crumbling noise completed. Several ideas bouncing around for soundscpaes, but getting them to a satisfactory level is another story. We have focus on our exploration mechanic rather than action platformer and so we have cut out the puzzle aspects except for keycards and boolean events to ground our game.
As a group, we meet up and discuss everything from storyline, coding issues, game art, required assets, ideas for levels, and everything in between. Each time we have class and every so often outside of class, to make sure we are all doing our part and helping push the project forward. I am confident at this stage we should have our game done on time (hopefully without cutting corners).

Monday 14 October 2013

Interview - Do a ruthless cut / Get down to 3.20 (MAX)

I am at the point now where the interview is sitting comfortably around the 5-6 minute mark. This however is still nearly double my intended length. What I will have to do is trim it down and cut people out if necessary (probably all the dark footage / noisy footage). Then I will have an extended version for myself with everyone in it; and I'll probably extend the 6mins to more like 7. When I get more people shot for this,  I'll redo my doco and I'd say I'll reach the 15min mark easily.

Now that I'm certain I'd lose marks for exceeding the 3 minute by anymore than 20 seconds;
I can focus on trimming so I can approach the last few issues:

Re-record Intro audio (draft is too quiet and badly enunciated)
Light levels (cutting dark footage will help)
Add names / relationship to Rick (essential)
Add B-roll to break up long sections (or mask cuts)
Use transitions where appropriate (don't over use!)
Collect up the permission forms
Adjust music / volume levels
Add credits (can extend over the time limit if necessary)

Friday 11 October 2013

Game Music and Foley

I now have draft versions for the tunnels and the moon surface. Currently working with the engineering level track. 
I have draft versions for running / walking and robot chatter for Luna. I also have audio for oddities such as lights, brushing teeth, drawers and things (although we may not end up getting to that level of detail.)

Monday 7 October 2013

Interview Progress

With more than enough footage to work from (9+ interviews), I am now up to viewing and editing.
I may need more B-Roll as I don't have that much, but with gently panning or zooming stills, this may prove to be enough to fill the gaps of this project.

I am trying to decide how to have the questions and general narration. 
I was considering having a voiceover, perhaps with Text to reference from time to time.
Eg. Names, Dates, Relationship to Rick?,  What they do? (work/study) and the questions themselves?

I also need to start looking for some suitable music. It's a shame that the most ideal tracks are copyright such as: Blindspott - Phlex, Blindspott - S.U.I.T.,  DevilDriver - Mountain, Chimaira - Severed, Chimaira - Empty, DevilDriver - Head On To Heartache, 8 Foot Sativa - Chelsea Smile, 
Lamb Of God - Ruin, Lamb Of God - Laid To Rest, AC/DC etc etc.

I guess the list goes on. However, I do know the guys from Pariah who may be interested in sharing their music with my project (which works well as Rick knew at least some of the band).

Sunday 6 October 2013


Can I please get everyone to print, sign and get these back to me by the 18th for my hand-in?
Can be by snail mail or email, I'm not fussed either way.
Although I've left it a bit late, so email would be best :)

From NPL I need:

and from WLGTN I still need:

Soundtrack Developments

Despite being under the weather for the last few days,
I have managed to make progress with BGM or game soundtracks/soundscapes.

The moonbase track is 100% but I have been trialling alternatives.
The music for the bio-dome is done to 90%; it just needs tweaking and leveling.
I have a few ideas for the other tracks but haven't actually made them yet.
This week I will get more of the sound effects done and aim to get all the tracks to at least a 70% completion standard.

I will also scan in a few puzzle concepts I have quickly sketched when struck with an idea.

Thursday 3 October 2013

After Effects Tutorial

Premiere - editing, cutting, sound
After Effects - special effects, motion graphics, compositing, titles

Drag and drop movie files into After Effects (making sure to keep files referenced correctly),
and save the project file where the footage is.

NEW: 1920 x 1080 (or 1280 x 720)
Estimate duration of sequence
Square pixels 1.0
25 fps

Dynamic Link (use premiere to scale to frame size)

Colour Correction:
Effects > Color Correction > presets
(but premiere is better for this)

Click the stopwatch (on the clip's property) at the point on the timeline where you want add a keyframe.

RAM preview (shortcut = 0):
This will render out the current project for a true preview includ. sound.

Using rectangle / ellipse tool etc, when you select footage first, it will cut that hole out.
Pen tool will allow for custom shapes (eg. person silhouette).
Feather the mask: Adjust mask expansion and mask feather until it suits.
Key frame the mask to allow for movement of interviewee.

Duplicate Layer:
Ctrl + D to duplicate layers.

Try roto brush tool? Auto tracking.

Use masks to eliminate unwanted background material.
By using an offset duplicate layer underneath a hole to eliminate distractions.

Colour Key:
Allows you to select a colour range (green screen etc)
send your subject to france or jail or wherever etc.

Motion Tracking:
track motion will give a tracking point.
then click analyse. 
parent this tracking point with a null object so you can also parent text to the null.

make sure to put a slightly transparent rect (or whatever) behind text to allow the viewer to see everything (all text - so no letters are lost within the shot)

alt + left click on the property (eg. position) and type for example wiggle[5, 10]
can also connect things (1 layers scale affects another's position)

more example code:
temp = transform.position[1];

or just google what you want the expression to do

Monday 30 September 2013

Interview - Fleshing Out A Storyboard

I have decided to do my interview on a good friend of mine who sadly passed away a few years ago.

His name is Ricky Manson Neill; known to all as Rick.

Starting with an introduction to Rick and his family through a series of photos,
To the incident itself; images / news footage of the house fire.

I intend to move past this as quick as possible without cutting information,
onto the interviews of Rick's family and friends.

I will ask a series of questions aimed to uncover each of the individually perceived versions of Rick, in an effort to paint an image of him as a whole.

I want to use the B-Roll as suitable, based on topics covered within interviews (so dependent on their content). This will have to be shot after the interviews themselves.

I will however have shots of Paritutu Rock and Rick's memorial stone.

I will ask each question; and collage the responses appropriately. Taking the most interesting responses and cutting/splicing them together. This will be the most efficient way of asking the same question to different people again and again.

The questions are (at this stage):

Who was Rick to you?
How would you describe Rick?
How did Rick spend his time?
What's your fondest memory of Rick?
What wisdom has Rick imparted on you, in his time with us?
What sort of shenanigans did you get up to with Rick?
What's the funniest or strangest thing you can remember doing or saying?
What role does Rick play in your life now?
If you could say one more thing to Rick, what would it be?

I would like to interview:

Deb - Rick's Mother
Tamara - Rick's Sister
Shannon - Rick's Sister
Sefton - Rick's Sister
Shelley - Rick's Other Mother
Jed - Family Friend
Nick - Family Friend
Vicki - Rick's Other Other Mother
Bronson - Family Friend
Liam - Ex-Flatmate
Nick - Ex-Flatmate

and anyone else willing to portray their impression of Rick.

Sunday 29 September 2013


Our working demo has been updated over the weekend. We now have the bio-dome and the observation deck incorporated. We still need to generate a list of examinable objects / comments based on these for Charlie to say when faced with traces of previous clones.


ART ASSETS (Tyson and Adrian):

  • general

    • lights
    • vents
    • wall decorations
    • floor/ceiling decorations
    • broken ladders (various)
    • hanging wires
    • ladder
    • signs

  • biodome

    • trees
    • grass
    • flowers
    • birds?

  • kitchen

    • shelves
    • benches
    • electric stove?

  • dining room

    • chairs
    • tables

  • monitor room

    • computer chair
    • computer screen
    • control consoles

  • biolab stuff

    • tables
    • flasks
    • lab equipment
    • machine things

  • medical

    • some same things as the biolab
    • examination bed

  • hanger

    • Moon rover
    • crane?

  • engineering

    • work bench
    • tools
    • machinery

  • puzzle stuff

    • power conduit (to turn on rooms)
    • charge station (to recharge light)
    • force field
    • elevators
    • directional fan
    • oil (slippery floor)

    SOUND ASSETS (Myself):

    • general
      • music
        • moonbase, moon surface (universe hum), next clone (med lab), underground / tunnels, offices / terminals, tutorial
        • ambient, creepy, background soundscape sort-of Tron-like (reduced beat)
      • running/walking
        • air thrust ?
        • metallic footsteps ?
        • dirt crunching underfoot ?
      • doors
        • open/close
        • airlock sounds
        • locked/error
      • buttons/levers
        • use: click/shuck
        • timer: tick/creak or a generic beep?
      • lights
        • on/off ?
      • vents
        • opening/closing ?
        • crawling through?
      • ladder
        • climbing up/down ?
    • biodome
      • plants
        • moving/”swishing”
      • birds ?
    • kitchen
      • shelves/cupboards
        • rummaging through ?
      • electric stove
        • turning on/off ?
    • dining room
      • chairs
        • sliding on the lino ?
    • monitor room
      • control consoles
        • typing ?
    • biolab stuff
      • lab equipment
        • bubbling etc ?
      • machine things
        • whirring, grinding, clanging ?
    • medical
      • medical equipment
        • heart-rate beep ?
    • hanger
      • Moon rover
        • engine ? maybe electric - silent
        • tyres crunching ? or are we going with the idea that we can’t hear outside?
      • crane ?
      • shuttle ?
      • processing ? (He3 transfer from rover to storage / packaging)
    • outside the moonbase
      • rocks
      • cave-in / collapse
    • engineering
      • work bench
        • fixing noises?
      • tools
        • tools being used? wrenches? crowbar? Drills? hammer?
      • machinery
        • ambient pistons?, gas pipes ? etc

    PUZZLE DESIGNS (Corey + group):

    A variety of puzzles to begin matching with the storyline. We will all play a part in this section, as well as the actual building of the game, play-testing and debugging.