Thursday 31 October 2013

Gameplay Design Document

Core Interactions:
  • Move horizontally                                                           
  • Climb Upwards
  • Jump
    • Grab ledges
    • wall grab/jump (but only in low gravity areas)
  • Environment Interactions  (contextual, and all the same button)
    • Buttons/levers
    • Examine items
    • pick up items
    • use items
    • talk

Puzzle/Environment Elements
  • Items
    • keys
      • key card
      • crowbar (for bypassing or hatch/vent access)
    • quest items
      • can be across many areas
  • Timers
    • sounds
    • or visible in environment
  • Tracing/Following through environment across areas
    • requires a sense of 3D space
    • Find the room next to this one
  • Obstacles
    • Electrical
    • Locked doors
    • rocks
    • timed doors
    • unpowered elevators
    • story based
    • LunaREM blocking you
  • Alternate paths
    • certain areas can be accessed in a few different ways.
    • Some paths might get blocked if a puzzle is failed too many times, so the other path MUST be taken.

Game Audio In

Sound effects and background music have been coded in and are holding up to testing. A few discrepencies between audio channels but an easy fix. Randomized chatter is in and working although a larger selection could have been better than 6.
And the audio for the trailer has been added and basic credits.

Game Trailer 2

Audio: Adam CASTILLO - Dark And Cold Inside. Sourced from

This track suits the mood a bit more.


Soundscapes (track and scenes used)
  • moonbase - eerie, floaty, slightly upbeat
    • CharliesRoom, quartersHallway, bathroom, diningKitchen, stairsToObservationDeck, Observation Deck, receptionArea, lowerLobby, biolab, baseHallwaysMedical, medical, Engineering, monitorRoom, Hanger, biolab
  • moon surface - universal hum, ambient
    • TheMoonRoad, Harvesting Station
  • stasis chambers - spacey, twilight, synthetic
    • reactor, ASurrealSituation
  • underground tunnels - creepy, eerie, soft, spooky
    • CloneCorridor, CloneRoom1, CloneRoom2, CloneRoom3, maintenanceStairsUG, Tunnels1, Tunnels2, tunnels3, tunnels4, tunnels5, underGroundLobby1, underHarvestingStation
  • offices / underground base - mechanical, digital, off beat
    • afterFall, afterOffice, charliesOfficeMaybe, UnderG, UnderGOffice1, UnderGOffice2, UnderGOffice3, UnderGOffice4, underGroundLobby2, underOffice
  • biodome - sparkly, nature, spacey
    • bioDome
  • title screen track
    • title screen
  • fan ambient track
    • Elevator

Key Areas for background audio changes:
  • bioDome - biodome, LEFT moonbase
  • Airlock - silence, LEFT moonbase, RIGHT moonsurface
  • Airlock2 - silence, LEFT tunnels, RIGHT tunnels
  • Harvesting Station - moonsurface, DOWN tunnels
  • hanger - moonbase, LEFT tunnels

Sound Effects
  • doors
      • use door
      • airlock
      • locked/error
      • shutters
      • use ladder
  • consoles
      • terminal online / suit power restored
      • terminal offline
  • ground collapse
      • cave-in from first clone
  • LunaREM digital chatter
      • 6 variants to be randomly used when “Lou” speaks

Game Trailer 1

I am unsure if this will stay as the final trailer, but this is what we have at the moment.

Music: Just in Space - Transit. Sourced from

Monday 28 October 2013

Cutting, Trimming and Refining

I am focusing on completion (running without faults) rather than a vast array of single use sound effects. I have the base level audio complete, biodome, moonsurface. Just a little more to complete tunnels, and underground levels. I have begun experimenting and making sure stencyl is running properly and I have the audio zones set up correctly (no random silences when re-entering a room or two tracks running simultaneously). I will however have to re-implement this on the master file when the game is ready or when I get chance once the scenes are set up correctly.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Audio Developments

I have the audio for shutters, doors, airlock, terminals, locked doors all set up. Walking is still horrid at the moment, but the chatter is starting to sound better. Music files are relatively finished, a little touch up and tinkering to get them a bit nicer.